Afternoon Update
I’m going to try to speak plainly. I still think that the averages can add some more to the upside,...
Intraday Update -SPX $4100
2:54 p.m. ET It looks like the S&P is going to hold the $4100 level SP-500 (30m) While I have...
Debt Ceiling Weighing on Market – Technical Levels Being Tested
12:50 p.m. ET Just last night in the Daily Wrap’s Summary I wrote, “While the debt ceiling is usually much...
Early Update – MIXED & MESSY
11:13 a.m. ET Market and sector gains/losses have been modest this morning (or you could say dull), but there’s been...
A.M. Update
Index futures are up +0.2% to +0.4% this morning. A bounce in regional bank stocks is helping sentiment, along with...
Afternoon Update
There’s not much new to report. Mega caps continue to drive upside moves for the indices while the underlying market...
Market Update
2:03 p.m. ET I’m glad to be back and fully present today, but I have to say this now 6...
Early Update
11:10 a.m. ET In the last 2 days we’ve gotten weaker CPI (Consumer Price Index) and PPI (Producer Price Index)...
Afternoon Update
I wish I could be more present today, but whatever has got a hold of me since I woke up,...
Quick Market Update -ABI 14
1:19 p.m. ET I’m doing a quick heck in as I just got hit hard by something – Food poisoning...
Early Update -Important
10:44 a.m. ET The morning thus far is volatile, from softness in stock futures before the CPI report, to a...
Afternoon Update
I’m going to get this post out now as I don’t see much changing by the close. Today has been...
Intraday Update – tone shifting modestly negative
12:27 p.m. ET The market tone is shifting more negative, although modestly; partly because the earlier lead mega-caps (MGK -0.45%)...
Early Update
11:00 a.m. ET Just yesterday I wrote the dead cat bounce of less than 2-days in Regional Banks, was losing...
Afternoon Update
As we head into the close, the averages remain mixed and very little changed. The majors are not much more...
SLOOS Report Update
2:43 p.m. ET I’m really not familiar with the SLOOS report (Senior Loan Officer Opinion Survey). It’s not something the...
Intraday Update – Waiting For The SLOOS Report
1:51 p.m. ET The highly anticipated SLOOS report is out at 2 p.m. ET, just minutes away. The averages have...
Important Message About Email Deliveries
I’ve recently been made aware that some of you are not receiving my posts via email. I’ve looked into it...
Early Update – Quiet Trade Ahead of the SLOOS Report
11:09 a.m. ET It’s a fairly quiet, dull start to the cash session. As we saw several times last week,...
Live Stream Replay – The Perfect Storm?
Thank you for all who were able to end this morning’s live stream. I understand it was short notice so...