Daily Wrap
The last 24 hours of price action has been borderline manic. Yesterday the S&P dropped -1.9% after the FOMC. This...
Daily Wrap
The last 8 Mondays have been very quiet, dull days. Two weeks ago the S&P put in a record high...
Daily Market Wrap – July 24, 2019
The theme of the day was the market took bad news as good news, or just ignored bad news and READ MORE
Daily Wrap
The last 4 days have been quite an adventure. Last Friday the market put in impressive performance (except for volume)....
Early Update- Small Caps and Industrials Weak
S&P and Dow (-0.1%) are testing yesterday’s afternoon low. NASDAQ +0.15%. Small Caps (-0.5%) show relative weakness, testing down to READ MORE
Volatility Selling Delivers Record High Before July Fourth
Yesterday (Tuesday) there was an unusual level of volatility selling from the cash open. Here are some excerpts from Tuesday’s READ MORE
Volatility Being Crushed in Support of the Market
This isn’t just relative weakness in volatility, this is purposeful outright selling of volatility meant to support the market averages. READ MORE
Weekend Video Update
Covering the general market action April into May, a few sector trend breaks, crude oil. Also the highly unusual VIX-SPX READ MORE
Stock Market Update- Record Highs in stocks as yields fall.
For a slow day in equity markets, there are actually quite a few interesting developments today. Since not much happened READ MORE